It’s busy out there, lots of activity with people seeking employment or reassessing their current employment situation.  And as people have the time and ability to seek employment they often reach out or engage with a recruitment consultant to streamline the process. Part of this process is interview feedback.

Pre-interview feedback – As part of our process we conduct an interview with you. This assesses your suitability for the position. Not everyone is going to be what we call a unicorn, but this doesn’t matter.  Our job is to ensure that your core abilities and experience is clear to us so we can work with you.

If you’re to be successful in obtaining an interview we need to conduct what we call a pre-interview debrief. This will enable you to be as best prepared as possible in front of your potential future employer. We’ll cover off the types of potential questions that will likely come your way, how to handle nerves, aspects of your experience that need to be highlighted, through to your attire.

So why does this matter?  Who cares? – I’m here to say that it DOES matter and here’s why:

  1. You have one chance to make a good first impression, and if your recruiter is worth their salt, they’ll be helping you with this process.
  2. Good recruitment consultants know their clients well, and are best placed to give you objective, relevant information about your prospective employer.
  3. Your recruiter will market you to the prospective employer, and if you come across at an interview as the complete opposite to what’s been described, it doesn’t look good for anyone.
  4. You’ll look good if you go into the interview with a good degree of knowledge about the company interviewing you. It shows you’ve done your homework and have an interest in the company.

Ok, so you’ve been to the big interview, what happens next?  – Post-interview feedback call

This call is vital, it gives you the opportunity to provide us with your feedback on the interview.  We’ll ask you how you feel, whether you gained the information you need to make an informed decision should the interview progress further, through to the types of questions you were asked.

And here’s what happens next…..

  1. We touch base with our client for their thoughts and feedback on the interview.  On occasion this can take a bit of time due to busy schedules, but trust that we are doing our utmost to get this feedback for you.
  2. We have thorough discussions with the client to ensure they are making solid informed decisions. This includes drilling down on what they’ve asked you, to give you as fair a hearing as possible.
  3. Often we can suggest a further discussion or meeting to ensure they have obtained the right information or indeed involved the right people at their end, to allow an informed decision about you.
  4. The final step is to discuss this feedback with you – both the positive and the negative.

So finally, how does it help knowing all this? – Working with a recruitment consultant can help you understand how feedback can benefit you.  Often, when you are working directly with your prospective employer, it can become difficult to receive constructive feedback. You can sometimes become forgotten after the interview process if you are unsuccessful. Receiving feedback from us helps you to improve your interviews and your prospects.

If you are currently interviewing and struggling to get past the first round of interviews, I’m hoping these tips will help you. Perhaps reaching out to a recruiter who works specifically in your sector could be of benefit to you.